Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computers to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. This includes speech recognition, decision making, visual perception, and language translation.

The following are some examples of AI related projects I’m working on.

AI Art Gallery

Using Python and the OpenAI API, as well as the Midjourney AI, these fascinating images have been produced using text prompts and artificial intelligence.

Is This Image Real or Not?

Think you can distinguish the difference between an AI generated image and a real photo? Try out this simple game where two images are presented and you have to decide which one is the real photo. Some images may be easy to figure out, but some of these may have you reconsidering what’s real, and what’s not.

AI Meme Generation

Using Python, OpenAI, and Google Trends I’ve made a few scripts that create memes and images. Each format is hard coded and is not dynamically created. My original idea was to create a “Meme of the Day” account that is entirely AI generated content.

Twitter Post Screenshot

The “Twitter Post Generator” is a simple script written in Python that uses Google trend data to input a prompt into OpenAI to create a Tweet. Different topics and descriptor words can be used in the input string that is sent to the OpenAI API when running in override mode. Typically, a list of trending topics are selected using Google Trends API and then randomized and selected.

4Chan Post Screenshot

Using the same idea from the Twitter post script, I make an API call to Google Trends and pull the top trending topics. Randomize these and pick one. Then use the selected topic in a string that tells OpenAI to generate a “greentext” text post. The returned text is then formatted and exported using the Python PIL library. Below are some examples of this.