Welcome to Daniska Engineering! Created by Taylor Daniska, this site showcases the many engineering and electronics projects that are possible when you leave a man alone in his workshop. You can also find videos on Taylor’s YouTube channel, showing how these projects are built as well as articles on this website.

Top Videos

Supporting documentation and information is provided for all projects. If you find any of this helpful, send an email to [email protected] and say thanks!

Latest Project

Check out this new project! I turned an ordinary lawn mower into the Mow-Kart! This fun project has resulted in a lawn mower that can go 35MPH and looks cool while doing it. I had to add a wheelie bar so those fast starts don’t dump me out of my seat.

This is an ongoing project, so be sure to check back to see my progress.

Think You’re Smarter Than AI?

Try out my new game, Is This Image Real or Not? Here, you are presented with two images, one is real, the other is AI generated using OpenAI’s DaVinci model.

See if you can figure out which image is the real one. This technology, while still rudimentary, gives a glimpse at the level of sophistication of AI.

Top Projects

Raspberry Pi Terminal Computer
Mow-Kart Lawn Tractor
Rangemaster Clone

Project Categories

Engineering Projects
Digital Electronics Projects
Ham Radio Projects
Homelab Projects
Audio Electronics Projects
Miscellaneous Projects

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