As the number of instruments I have began to grow, I wanted a some kind of wall hanger to display everything. I went with a simple design consisting of a long board with metal hangers. These would then fastened to the board, and the board into the studs in my wall.
The mounting plates I made from some plate steel that I drilled two holes in. The U shape that holds the guitar was a rod that I bent using a tubing bender. To get the small raised ends, I placed the U shape in an arbor press with a bar across it, and pressed down.

I then proceeded to make 3 more brackets. To prevent the metal from scratching the guitars, I used Plastidip on the brackets. This is the same stuff that can be used to make rubber handles on tools.

The board was very straightforward and plain, so to add some flare, I used a router to make a decorative edge around the perimeter. I then used some red stain I had.
These brackets are then fastened to the wooden board.

I could have moved the guitars a little closer and made more brackets, but at the time, 4 instruments was all I had.